How to tell if a wig is good quality

How to tell if a wig is good quality

When choosing a good quality wig you want to make sure that it will really be good QUALITY! But how would you know where to even begin and what to check if you’re not a wig expert? We got you covered. Here we simplified the things you should look for to make sure your good quality wig is actually good quality for you.

1. Correct Head Size & Cap construction

All head sizes are different so your wig should be made specifically for you! Your wig’s construction will be very important because it can have an impact on your styling, comfort and how you prefer your hairline to look. Check out our measuring guide to see how you should be measuring your head to get accurate measurements for your head size.


2. Check type of hair is used

The hair used in your wig  plays a majorrrrr role in your wigs quality because it’s what it’s made up of!!! Wigs can be made using synthetic hair or human hair. Human hair wigs are on the Quality side because these wigs are made up with hair extensions straight from a donor and will be able to last years of taken care of properly.


3. Check the lace that is used

A good quality wig must appear like your natural hair and also give the feeling of it as well. When it comes to the lace that is being used on your wig, you want for it to blend seamlessly perfect with your skin. The top 2 laces on the market are Transparent and HD Lace. HD lace is great for blending with your skin because it it so thin, however the durability of it won’t last as long as transparent lace would. Transparent lace will too blend seamlessly with your skin but will last longer because it’s not as thin as HD Lace.



Overall a good quality wig should be easy to handle. If your wig is tangling, falling apart, balding, etc. those are signs that show your wig is not good quality. Finding good quality wigs can be hard but we can assure you that our wigs will meet all the requirements on the checklist of a quality wig!

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